(Re) Building trust in tech through co-created innovations
Investing in a paradigm shift where social well-being is a primary success metric
Amplifying mental, psychological and emotional well-being as a key indicator of product success
Creating space for solutionists to fuel the paradigm shift

The Why

In today’s technological landscape, many people are losing trust in new technologies and tech leaders. The lack of understanding of how emerging technologies work and the ongoing concern about data privacy and associated psychological harms all contribute to the decline in trust among customers.

The erosion of trust is exacerbated by insufficient transparency and feedback mechanisms that fail to capture and address customers’ concerns related to their well-being.  Without disrupting this cycle, this growing mistrust weakens the relationship between tech companies and their customers, ultimately slowing innovation, reducing customer loyalty, and decreasing product value and profit.

Our Approach

In today’s world, people are losing trust in new technologies and tech leaders. This is because they don’t understand how these technologies work, worry about data privacy, and are concerned about potential psychological harms.

This loss of trust is made worse by the lack of transparency and poor feedback systems that don’t address users’ well-being and concerns. If nothing is done, this growing mistrust could harm the relationship between tech companies and their customers, slowing down technological progress and adoption.

Sarell sees paths to solutions that include:

  • Connecting with people worldwide to discuss the role of technology in our lives.
  • Bringing together experts in counselling, psychology, public policy, and research to examine the impact of technology, especially social media and AI, on our social well-being.
  • Analysing research on how technology affects our lives.
  • Advising public policymakers and corporations to include social well-being as a measure of success for social media platforms and AI.
  • Actively listening to how technology impacts our lives, as demonstrated on the podcast, and encouraging tech companies to listen to their users during the product development process to promote social well-being.

Partner with us

Product management leaders

Behaviour Researchers

Social science professionals

Legislators & public servants


Connecting people, contributing to the elimination of othering, and offering various perspectives for reflection.